What is the proper procedure for making a translation?

Since I see some missing translations when applying lang/da_DK to my wp installation, I wish to update it.

I plan to

  1. Fork https://github.com/roots/roots
  2. Clone it to my local machine
  3. Check out the master branch
  4. Modify the existing da_DK.po
  5. Compile the corresponding .mo file
  6. commit the .po and .mo diff locally
  7. push the new commit to my fork
  8. submit a pull request to my fork parent https://github.com/roots/roots via github, containing my new commit.

Are the above steps correct?

I want to make sure that my update is complete, so in addition:

Where do I find the authoritative list of strings to translate, that will cover everything?

I suspect it’s lang/roots.po, but it never hurts to make sure.

and lastly:

Is there anything else I should be mindful of when creating my translation?

Thanks for a great theme :smile:

– Hans

Your steps outline exactly what you should be doing :slight_smile: You could create your own branch off of master that’s named something along the lines of update-danish-translations

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I’ve made the necessary updates. Will send you a pull request tomorrow :smile:

The pull request is up.
Thanks for your help, benword :thumbsup:

i have updated the french translation (based on the latest roots.pot file), it wasn’t displaying everywhere correctly anymore). i’ve installed Git on my machine, but i can’t figure out how the commit system works… how can i send you the 2 files fr_FR.po and fr_FR.mo ?

The Github repo has a good section on creating a pull request.