Hello, I’m on a shared web hosting environment unfortunately with none of the normal means of deploying a bedrock site. I do however have ssh and sftp access and am able to access above the web root (public_html) to place the files where things need to be.
A little background on the server: There are a few word press installs in both the root and various subdomains. I have created a subfolder for my Bedrock install and uploaded the files.
the folder structure looks something like this:
├── bedrock # Config folder with .env and the rest of the files that are not within the web folder. This is outside of the public_html folder and only accessible by the server.
└── public_html # public_html is the web folder that contains the fore mentioned regular word press site.
└─ subdomain # subdomain folder. Contains the contents of the web folder.
Above the web root in my bedrock folder I have uploaded the .env file & config and vendor folders:
├── .env
├── wp-cli.yml
├── config
└── vendor
In my .env file:
In my config/application.php:
$webroot_dir = $root_dir . '/public_html/subdomainfolder';
and finally
path: /wp
also my composer.json file.
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"~/public_html/isparx/subdomain/mu-plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-muplugin"],
"~/public_html/subdomain/app/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"],
"~/public_html/subdomain/app/themes/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-theme"]
"wordpress-install-dir": "~/public_html/subdomain/wp"
Now in my subdomain folder aka the folder that holds the contents of what is normally the web folder I have edited
In my wp-config.php:
$bedrock = realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . '/../bedrock');
require_once($bedrock . '/vendor/autoload.php');
require_once($bedrock . '/config/application.php');
The site loading the index and it is loading the .env file/database etc…
However the page loaded is blank white and throws a notice of hosts is undefined on line /wp/ /wp/wp-includes/canonical.php 461
My understanding would be that an improper wp_home reference or link would cause this. I believed I put in all the correct patches, at this point I am a little lost on what else needs to be reconfigured to get the site up in working order?
Edit: Fixed the issue notice issue by running composer update, however white screen issue persists. No thrown errors. Tried disabling both plugins and themes. Still no luck. I also tried nuking the database and starting from scratch just to see if the migration of the database was the issue but the issue persists.
Edit: I can get other urls than index to resolve, such as sub.domain.com/wp/wp-login however the result is https://sub.domain.com/sub.domain.com/wp/wp-login.php something is gravely wrong.
Any ideas and suggestions are more than welcome.