WooCommerce sidebar on Sage 9

I want to show the WooCommerce sidebar on all the shop (WooCommerce) pages.
Does WooCommerce do this on its own on a non-storefront (sage 9 based) theme or
does one have to add (and output) a sidebar myself in the theme?

What sage 9 theme template files can be used that are used by the shop (WooCommerce) pages so I can output a sidebar only on these shop pages (not on the startpage and other non-shop pages)?

Related (but for Sage 8): WooCommerce Sidebar on Sage 8

Don’t know. Test it out and let us know!

There are many ways that you can find out which template is being used for whatever page you’re looking at in WordPress.

Asking Roots Discourse is not one of those ways.

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