Woocommerce Templates

Hi guys,

Since last week I’ve been building a Woocommerce store in sage 9.
After a few hours of search I found out how to override woocommerce.php/single-product.php and archive-product.php - Those 3 are working properly - don’t know if this is the best way… but is working.
But when I try to use the same logic to replace some template parts like content-single-product.php to content-single-product.blade.php my single-product just duplicates my product display.

My set-up is the following:

  • filters.php:

add_filter( ‘woocommerce_template_loader_files’, function ( $templates, $default_file ) {
return filter_templates(array_merge($templates, array_filter([$default_file, ‘woocommerce’])));
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );

add_filter( ‘template_include’, function ( $template ) {

$template = str_contains( $template, 'single-product.php' ) ? get_stylesheet_directory() . '/views/woocommerce/single-product.blade.php' : $template;

$template = str_contains( $template, 'archive-product.php' ) ? get_stylesheet_directory() . '/views/woocommerce/archive-product.blade.php' : $template;

$data = collect( get_body_class() )->reduce( function ( $data, $class ) use ( $template ) {
	return apply_filters( "sage/template/{$class}/data", $data, $template );
}, [] );
if ( $template ) {
	echo template( $template, $data );
	return get_stylesheet_directory() . '/index.php';
return $template;


add_filter( ‘wc_get_template_part’, function ( $template, $slug, $name, $args = [] ) {
$bladeTemplate = false;
if ( $name && ! WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ) {
$bladeTemplate = locate_template( [ “{$slug}-{$name}.blade.php”, WC()->template_path() . “{$slug}-{$name}.blade.php” ] );
if ( ! $template && ! WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ) {
$bladeTemplate = locate_template( [ “{$slug}.blade.php”, WC()->template_path() . “{$slug}.blade.php” ] );
if ( $bladeTemplate ) {
echo template( $bladeTemplate, $args );
return null;
$normalTemplate = false;
if ( $name && ! WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ) {
$normalTemplate = locate_template( [ “{$slug}-{$name}.php”, WC()->template_path() . “{$slug}-{$name}.php” ] );
if ( ! $normalTemplate && ! WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ) {
$normalTemplate = locate_template( [ “{$slug}.php”, WC()->template_path() . “{$slug}.php” ] );
if ( $normalTemplate ) {
return get_theme_file_path( $normalTemplate );
return $template;
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 4 );

add_filter( ‘wc_get_template’, function ( $located, $template_name, $args, $template_path, $default_path ) {
$bladeTemplate = locate_template( [ $template_name, ‘resources/views/’ . WC()->template_path() . $template_name ] );
if ( $bladeTemplate ) {
return template_path( $bladeTemplate, $args );
return $located;
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 5 );

  • helpers.php:

function filter_templates($templates)
$paths = apply_filters(‘sage/filter_templates/paths’, [
$paths_pattern = “#^(” . implode(’|’, $paths) . “)/#”;

return collect($templates)
    ->map(function ($template) use ($paths_pattern) {
        /** Remove .blade.php/.blade/.php from template names */
        $template = preg_replace('#\.(blade\.?)?(php)?$#', '', ltrim($template));

        /** Remove partial $paths from the beginning of template names */
        if (strpos($template, '/')) {
            $template = preg_replace($paths_pattern, '', $template);

        return $template;
    ->flatMap(function ($template) use ($paths) {
        return collect($paths)
            ->flatMap(function ($path) use ($template) {
                return [



  • @param string|string[] $templates Relative path to possible template files
  • @return string Location of the template
    function locate_template($templates)
    return \locate_template(filter_templates($templates));


{!! App\woocommerce_content(get_defined_vars()) !!}

Can you guys throw some light on this subject?
I’ve searched everywhere and I got a lot of different aproaches that doesn’t work.
Am I doing the filters set-up right?
What is the best way to override woocommerce templates?

What you wanna blade section?

I wanted to override a few template parts like the tabs, the image container and the entry-summary.
Basically I want to have full control over single-product.blade.

How can I achieve that? Is it better to override the woocommerce templates or to create a custom controller and view for single-product.blade.php?

Hey @scarill - you might be able to use or learn / steal code from https://github.com/roots/sage-woocommerce.

These visual guides to Woocommerce hooks are useful

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