Woocommerce translations


Im having trouble translation specific fields in mini cart https://eklips.d.pr/i/mmvRlm

What I tried so far:

  1. Opened wp-content/languages/plugins/woocommerce-et.po
  2. In poedit updated file from POT file (wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/woocommerce.pot)
  3. Translated those strings which are not translated
  4. Generated .json files from po file (wp i18n make-json myguten-eo.po --no-purge)
  5. Copied .mo, .po, .json files to wp-content/languages/plugins folder

Using sage 10 with laravel-mix and https://github.com/generoi/sage-woocommerce, WIn11.
Am I missing something?

The mini cart is a Gutenberg block. The Gutenberg translation files are in JSON format instead of MO (Gettext) format used by the backend.

But you probably don’t have to translate these strings yourself, as this mini cart block is from the official WooCommerce Gutenberg blocks project/plugin. Therefore you can install the officially available language files using the WP CLI, see this guide:

Edit: If you still want/need manual translation of Gutenberg blocks, I found this tutorial to be helpful: