As of 2023-01-03, the latest version of WordPress (6.1.1) still only has “beta support” for PHP 8.0+. PHP 8.1 was released in Nov 2021. 404 days later, full support for PHP 8.1 is still “not found”.
Read more on the Roots blog:
As of 2023-01-03, the latest version of WordPress (6.1.1) still only has “beta support” for PHP 8.0+. PHP 8.1 was released in Nov 2021. 404 days later, full support for PHP 8.1 is still “not found”.
Read more on the Roots blog:
Nice! Didn’t know this
As someone who likes to stick to the CLI, a shorthand would be:
composer require cweagans/composer-patches rmccue/requests:v1.8.1 && composer config --json extra.patches.rmccue/requests '{"Remove PHP 8.1 deprecation notices": ""}'
There was an important update here, please read at: Patching WordPress Requests for PHP 8.1 | Alexander Goller
Unfortunately at this time I am getting:
Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: The process "patch '-p1' --no-backup-if-mismatch -d '/Users/encodia/Sviluppo/www/XYZ/' < '/var/folders/nf/rxrcj1fd74j06wlg3pbvc5600000gn/T/63e5f361afe0a.patch'" exceeded the timeout of 300 seconds.
Still investigating.
For those interested: I was able to fix the error using (on my iMac): brew install gpatch
Anyway I am now getting the following errors, so I decided to switch again to PHP 8.0
Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch
WordPress fighting.
I just wanted to add, an alternative approach is to no-op
the deprecated trigger filters as suggested in wp-cli#5623
We’re using this as a mu-plugin
* Plugin Name: Disable Deprecation Notices
* Description: Disable WordPress PHP 8.1+ deprecation notices in non-production environments
* Version: 1.0.0
* License: MIT License
if(env('WP_ENV') !== 'production' && !isset($_REQUEST['_WP_DEPRECATED'])) {
add_filter( 'deprecated_constructor_trigger_error', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'deprecated_function_trigger_error', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'deprecated_file_trigger_error', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'deprecated_argument_trigger_error', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'deprecated_hook_trigger_error', '__return_false' );
You can bypass suppression by setting the URL parameter _WP_DEPRECATED
I might be wrong, but this feels cleaner to me than patching core on deploy or suppressing E_DEPRECATED