Wp acorn vendor:publish No publishable resources for tag

I am working with Sage 10.

I need to add a custom block so I installed log1x/poet via composer.

And then I ran this command:

wp acorn vendor:publish --provider="Log1x\Poet\PoetServiceProvider"

The resulting message:

No publishable resources for tag [].
Publishing complete.

It doesn’t show any error messages but also it doesn’t work.

I tried this as well:

% wp acorn config:clear
Configuration cache cleared!

% wp acorn vendor:publish 

 Which provider or tag's files would you like to publish?:
  [0] Publish files from all providers and tags listed below

It doesn’t list any providers or tags available.

Is there anything I am missing here?
Looking for your help!
Thanks in advance!


Same issue here.
Any help in clearing this up would be most appreciated.

Maybe get on over here for easier help.

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If you run

wp acorn vendor:publish --provider="SomeVendor\SomePackage\Providers\SomePackageServiceProvider"

and you get

No publishable resources for tag [].
Publishing complete.

then run this wp command

wp acorn clear-compiled

and then run the wp acorn vendor:publish command again.
It should publish successfully now


This command works as well :

wp acorn optimize:clear