Wp @development on sync script?

Hi there,

Excited to be using the sync script, just purchased it! I’ve got my staging/production environments setup, but in the wp-cli.yml file I’m not certain what I should be putting for the development ssh info. I have my machine username, but what host should I be using if using Laravel Valet? Trying both username@localhost as well as username@valet’surl and neither are working.


It should look something like this:

  ssh: vagrant@example.test/srv/www/example.com/current

example.test is the local domain you access your website through and example.com is the key under wordpress_sites which you can verify by vagrant ssh to be the correct path.

I’m using the script with valet and I don’t include a @development alias.

Remember to include the --local flag when syncing

./sync.sh staging development --local

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