WP Super Cache disabled every deploy?

Another annoying issue that I’m not sure depends on Bedrock at all (I added a ticket on WP Super Cache support too).
Everytime I run a deploy in production the plugin disables itself and It seems not configured anymore, it doesn’t matter wheter I configure it for PHP Caching or htaccess. As soon as I enable and configure it back it runs really well. Ideas?

Perhaps a temporary workaround is to use WP-CLI to activate the plugin immediately after running a deploy, perhaps as part of a bash script:

wp plugin activate [name-of-plugin]

If a plugin is being disabled on deploy, I’d guess that there’s something in the plugin which checks a condition that results in it being enabled or disabled. So it could be some conflict with the slightly non “standard” Bedrock setup, but I’m assuming it’s still the fault of WP Super Cache.

It definitely is plugin’s fault, but it’s not deactivated the plugin, only the conf of cache is disabled.

I had a similar problem with another cache plugin. W3 Total Cache. It turned out the settings was saved in a file called db.php which was conflicting with the plugin query-monitor (which also used db.php).

Please check that the settings arn’t saved in a file and that you’re not deploying that file on every deploy. Also check if any development plugins are conflicting with Super Cache. (disabling them one by one and doing a deploy should show that).

Hope this helps!


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