I am trying to use a UI kit and have included their CSS file by including the file in config.js and also enqueuing in setup.php.
I have disabled stylelint by commenting out the following lines from webpack.config.js
Because i read in some other post thats how you disable the stylelinting.
The yarn run build works fine. But when i run
yarn run build:production
its failing with the following error:
94% asset optimizationError: write EPIPE
at exports._errnoException (util.js:1020:11)
at WriteWrap.afterWrite (net.js:812:14)
error An unexpected error occurred: "Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: sh
Arguments: -c webpack --progress -p --config resources/assets/build/webpack.config.js
Directory: ............
I am stuck on this error for like 2 days and cant move ahead with my project, how can i just disable stylelinting, jshinting, or all other types of JS and CSS cleaning/linting all those checks in the new sage.
thanks a lot!! the fix for me was from your possible solutions : sudo apt-get install libpng16-dev
I was able to successfully compile the theme with yarn run build:production but theres another issue now, the styles that i defined in _globals.css are not getting compiled. There are no errors or warnings.
The styles work perfectly fine when i do yarn run build. What could be wrong now ?
i really appreciate the help from this forum of this great theme!..i have been following you guys since last 3-4 years when it was very new. All of us have come a long way guys! kudos … keep up the great work!
Closing this thread since the OP was about the image optimization not working, which was solved — don’t want to clutter this up with the unrelated SVG issue