Acorn v3.0.0-alpha.1 released

acorn v3.0.0-alpha.1 released

What’s Changed

Full Changelog: Comparing v2.0.6...v3.0.0-alpha.1 · roots/acorn · GitHub

:boom: Breaking Changes

If you’re using Sage, you’ll need to make a couple of updates.

  • Remove add_theme_support('sage'); from functions.php. Instead, your ThemeServiceProvider should extend Roots\Acorn\Sage\SageServiceProvider.
  • Replace \Roots\bootloader(); with \Roots\bootloader()->boot();
  • Compare your config/app.php to the one in Acorn; you might need to make some changes.

There are other breaking changes besides those that most users won’t encounter, but maybe you will. If that’s the case, feel free to debug or revert to the current stable version of Acorn. We will work on documenting all breaking changes before v3.0.0 is finalized.

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