I updated this morning to bud 6.19 and I’m getting the following error when I run npm run dev:
✘ Could not import @roots/bud-framework/env
ℹ Stack trace
│ at Module.import (./node_modules/@roots/bud-framework/lib/module.js:144:28)
│ at async ./node_modules/@roots/bud-framework/lib/bootstrap.js:91:21
│ at async Promise.all (index 0)
│ at async bootstrap (./node_modules/@roots/bud-framework/lib/bootstrap.js:125:5)
│ at async Bud.initialize (./node_modules/@roots/bud-framework/lib/bud/index.js:116:9)
│ at async BuildDevelopmentCommand.makeBud (./node_modules/@roots/bud/lib/cli/commands/index.js:216:20)
│ at async BuildDevelopmentCommand.execute (./node_modules/@roots/bud/lib/cli/commands/build/index.js:76:9)
│ at async BuildDevelopmentCommand.validateAndExecute (./node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/Command.js:73:26)
│ at async Cli.run (./node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/Cli.js:229:24)
I run from WSL yarn build --storage .storage' It adds patth only to this node_modules/@roots/bud-tailwindcss/lib/bud/commands/index.js` and no file is added everything is the same.
I modified and configure scss but my app.scss file is empty i comment it out all my changes
node v21.5.0
yarn v1.22.21
You will need to create a new topic and show your reproduction steps, including the exact changes that you made to any files, in order to get further support