Generating language files: yarn pot throws Syntaxerror: exit code 1


i want to generate language files. I worked your tutorial (Sage 9.x: Localization | Roots Documentation) through and have got everytime at executing yarn pot follow message on the console:

error Command failed with exit code 1.

I installed already coreutils, findutils and gettext. But this didn’t change anything.

Do anyone have an idea how i can solve the issue?

The tooling has improved, wp i18n can now handle all the i18n-related tasks, including Blade-PHP template files.

Please take a look at this discussion/guide about using the new wp i18n for scanning/updating and compiling gettext and JSON translation files:

Related PRs (Sage 10):

The same can be used for Sage 9 themes. Just the input-path needs an adjustment.