This is a topic I’ve seen discussed a few times, but nothing quite ever fit my needs or I simply couldn’t get it to work (I’m new to this!). A lot of people seem to be using capistrano-wpcli or WP Migrate DB Pro. However, I couldn’t get Capistrano-WPCLI to work and I didn’t feel like paying for WP Migrate.
Enter this topic. The discussion here gave me the idea and the necessary commands to write a simple shell script that I could use to automate syncing databases between environments as needed.
For example, the script below syncs the development database to the staging website. *this assumes you’re using Trellis and Bedrock
cd ~/path/to/site/ vagrant ssh <<EOF cd /srv/www/ wp db export exit EOF cd ~/path/to/site/ scp example_com_development.sql rsync -azP web/app/uploads/ ssh -t -t <<EOF cd /srv/www/ wp db import example_com_development.sql wp search-replace rm example_com_development.sql exit EOF
Now I’m sure there are definitely ways that this can be improved and extended! I’m pretty new to this and even this simpler script took me a while and many different articles to piece together.
One drawback is that this will rewrite the wordpress users for the staging/production websites, which means you need to make sure your development vault.yml is encrypted if you’re on a public git repo. I’m sure it’d also be wise to extend the the script so that it creates a backup of the database of whichever environment you’re syncing to.
Eventually I’d like to combine it with @Twansparant’s Trellis DB Sync so that I could also keep databases synced between computers.
I hope this may be of use to someone! Slash I’d definitely welcome any feedback anyone has. This is a simple approach but it does the trick