Thanks for the compliments, however, I can’t accept them, as the landing page I built them (with Sage) was replaced by the more full site that is currently there. I should modify the original post to reflect this.
Did you make the nav menus? I’m about to make one. Did you have to sub-class the Wordpress Walker or just send the right parameters to the native one?
I didn’t make the nav menus for the GVRD site, but for more recent sites, like and, I created a menu method in the App
controller so I have more control over the HTML. I’m not sure if I thought of this myself or if it was something I gleaned from Roots discourse.
Nice. I see one of the menu’s is also multi-level. I need to look into the Sober docs and figure out where I would put this and why it is called App. : )
Hey, y’all. I don’t post in here often but it’s a snow day so here I go:
I recently re-developed one of our clients’ constellation of sites using Sage 9. The following are all separate Sage 9 / Bedrock / Trellis using the same theme and a sub-theme option in Customizer to change the colors and logos.
We used Beaver Builder for the less structured pages, and lots, and lots, and lots of ACF for the more structured layouts like Products.
MicroCare is a global manufacturer of precision cleaning products for mostly electronic and fiber-optic applications.
Full Roots Stack for American Shakespeare Center in the Shenandoah Valley!
And now full Roots Stack for Glimmerglass Opera in Cooperstown, NY -
I live near the theatre and it’s a fantastic place. Have you been?
Built with the last beta of #sage9!
I haven’t been but I’ve been working with the entire staff for a bit over a year now, and they’re probably our key case study for our WordPress >> GroundPlan Event Management Plugin >> PatronManager partnership for event ticketing that’s the core of our business. They’re fantastic, fantastic people and it’s been awesome to work with such a large operation (their spring season is all the last leg of a national tour, so you’re seeing a well-oiled machine once it gets to the Blackfriar’s stage.)
Very cool. I’ll keep your plugins in mind for future projects.
Launched a little something for my wife’s finance training course. Roots stack + Restrict Content Pro
Here are some sites I made with SAGE:
The full monty, Sage/Bedrock/Trellis:
Just rebuilt my firm’s portfolio site with Sage 9 and deployed onto a DO droplet with Trellis!: Front Group Design
Just launched: Premio Gabo this was done using Sage 9 + Foundation + ACF. The site is currently hosted on WP Engine
cartoon plants and svg animations - plantables
and a prettier spin on dentistry - bourassadentistry
Dang! Nice work!
Think this is my first Sage 9 site gone live, I’ve got 2-3 still in Development…
A few projects from last year : (experimenting a decoupled React app with WP api using Trellis/Bedrock) (Trellis, Bedrock, Sage 9) (Bedrock, Sage 9) (Trellis, Bedrock, Sage 9)