Sage 10 on Pantheon as of Jan 30, 2021. These are the steps I used to get things running on Pantheon. There are brighter minds here, if you can look this over and see if I am missing anything, if anything could use clarification, or for random, “YOU USE PANTHEON DAS GARBAGE!” trolling I would appreciate it.
Add node_modules/ to the Pantheon .gitignore
Clone Sage 10 in themes folder git clone
cd sage/
gco log1x/next (If you want Tailwind 2 from Brandon’s fantastic work)
rm -rf /.git
yarn && composer install && yarn build
Update config/view.php to, 'compiled' => wp_upload_dir()['basedir'].'/storage/framework/views',),
git add -f vendor/
git add -f public/
mv storage/ ../../uploads/storage
ln -sfn ../../uploads/storage
composer install --no-dev
Updated local url in webpack.mix.js (for Lando or Localdev)
Git commit all these changes
SFTP Mode: Upload storage/ folder to /code/wp-content/uploads
Git push!
Now I use Lando, and pointed the above local url to the Lando URL for Browsersync. YMMV. This worked locally, on Lando, always – without any changes.
I wonder now, because I haven’t had time to go further yet, when I make changes from here on out, do I need to upload the storage/ folder again due to changes? Or can I leave that the way it is now that it’s working. This is the black magic of the process I am not 100% familiar with. Composer and it’s relation to making changes/deploying. I’ll find out soon enough I suppose… and update this thread.
I tried these steps from scratch on a new theme, using the master branch since this has been merged in, in the same WordPress install as above, using storage2/ folder where I mentioned storage/ folder above regarding symlink and mv and simply could not get it working. I got the same error message I saw before.
I am not sure it’s because I cannot use storage2/ as a folder name even though the view.php was pointing correct as was the symlink, or what.
On the left is my local with Lando and yarn start. The SVG loads just fine with the directive @svg('svg.bars', 'w-5'). On the right is Pantheon. Frustrating. I really love working in Sage but this is rough.
What got me to a broken SVG state:
composer require log1x/sage-svg
Create resources/svg folder
Add .copyDirectory('resources/svg', 'public/svg'); to webpack.mix.js
Test functionality adding @svg('svg.bars', 'w-5') to a blade template
EDIT: I can get this working by replacing the above directive with the helper <?php $bars = get_svg('svg.bars', 'w-5'); echo $bars ?>. I would prefer the directive, and I am using other directives with log1x/sage-directives just fine locally and on Pantheon. I also updated the log1x/sage-svg/svg.php to look in the public/ folder instead of the dist/ folder. It was working before, and after locally but neither on Pantheon.
Create themes/sage/config/svg.php and set your base path there.
use function Roots\base_path;
return [
| Path
| This value is the default path used by SageSVG for finding SVG files.
| This path is then resolved internally if an absolute path is not being
| used.
'path' => base_path('public'),
| Class
| Here you can specify a default class to be added on all inlined SVGs.
| Much like how you would define multiple classes in an HTML attribute,
| you may separate each class using a space.
'class' => '',
I’ll push a 2.0.0 to SVG Sage to make it work out of the box.
Thanks for the reply @Log1x. I reset the vendor/logi1x/sage-svg/config/svg.php back to dist/, and created the themes/sage/config/svg.php with the base_path as you mentioned. However, I am getting the same results as before. The directive’s aren’t parsing, instead they are outputting the actual text, @svg('svg.bars', 'w-5') as shown in the screenshot above.
In the screenshot below, the yellow arrows will output as if they were text, the purple arrows will properly output the icon.
What is weird about that is I am using your other package, sage-directives (thank you), to output other directives of ACF fields successfully on the same site. This code below works fine.
I’ve run into the same issue deploying to WPE through Github actions. The latest version of @Log1x’s sage-svg works a-ok locally but the directives aren’t parsed in production. I haven’t had too much time to fiddle yet, but for a quick fix {{ get_svg() }} seems to work and is almost as elegant as the @svg directive. Just an FYI!
Note: The steps for deployment are mostly identical to what posted above by @frankstallone, but with some minor changes. Acorn was embedded into the Sage at that time, but in current Sage versions, Acorn is available as a plugin. So we will embed Acorn into the Sage again (which means we will not use it as an external WP plugin), change its config and then we are good to go. Please note we we use WP-CLI for this purpose, so please preinstall it before.
Clone your Wordpress Pantheon project to local and set it up on your local. Open the project and navigate to themes directory within terminal.
After you run above command, you will get a config folder in your Sage project. Open the file config/view.php and find for the word 'compiled'. Update the whole line to 'compiled' => wp_upload_dir()['basedir'].'/storage/framework/views',
mkdir ../../uploads/ (if the uploads folder doesn’t exist in wp-content/)
mv storage/ ../../uploads/storage
ln -sfn ../../uploads/storage
Update proxy in bud.config.mjs (for Lando or Localdev)
Optionally, you can run yarn dev to run your project in local environment.
composer install --no-dev
yarn build
Remove vendor and public folder from .gitignore
Git commit all these changes
SFTP Mode: Upload storage/ folder to /code/wp-content/uploads
Git Mode: Git push!
NOTE: Again, if someone does not wish to not embed Acorn in Sage, and use it as a plugin, they can just install it as WP plugin and activate it from dashboard. Then, you don’t need to follow steps 8-10. Instead, update the config/view.php in your wp-content/plugins/acorn with the same line as mentioned in step 11. Then all is set and you are good to go with further steps.
Let me know if some steps are causing issues and not working properly. Thanks again!
I’ll leave you to configure CircleCI or whatever build platform you prefer. Just be sure to check the only build PR requests (that setting includes pushing to master but will otherwise break because who knows.)
Now the uglier bit, .circleci/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -z "$CIRCLECI" ]]; then
echo "This script can only be run by CircleCI. Aborting." 1>&2
exit 1
if [[ -z "$TERMINUS_SITE" ]]; then
echo "Terminus site not set. Aborting." 1>&2
exit 1
if [[ -z "$TERMINUS_TOKEN" ]]; then
echo "Terminus token not set. Aborting." 1>&2
exit 1
if [[ ${CIRCLE_BRANCH} == "master" ]]; then
elif [[ ! -z "$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then
# Add global composer bin directory to $PATH variable
export PATH=$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
# Configure git
git config --global "${}"
git config --global "${GIT_NAME:-Circle CI}"
# Configure SSH
mkdir -p "$HOME/.ssh"
touch "$HOME/.ssh/config"
echo "StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> "$HOME/.ssh/config"
# Convert uploads directory to a symlink
sed -i '/web\/app\/uploads.*/d' .gitignore
sed -i '/web\/app\/cache.*/d' .gitignore
rm -r web/app/uploads
[ -d "web/app/cache" ] && rm -r web/app/cache
ln -s ../../../files web/app/uploads
mkdir -p ../../../files/cache
ln -s ../../../files/cache web/app/cache
# Install Terminus globally
composer global -W require pantheon-systems/terminus:^2.6
# Install Terminus plugins
mkdir -p $HOME/.terminus/plugins
composer create-project --no-dev -d $HOME/.terminus/plugins pantheon-systems/terminus-build-tools-plugin:^2.0.4
# Authenticate with Terminus
terminus -n auth:login --machine-token="$TERMINUS_TOKEN"
# Wake up the main development environment
terminus -n env:wake "$"
# Write environment variables from terminus to .env file
database_env () {
dbconn=$(terminus connection:info "$TERMINUS_SITE.$TERMINUS_ENV" --format='json' --fields='mysql_username,mysql_password,mysql_host,mysql_port,mysql_database')
echo $dbconn | php -r '$a = json_decode(stream_get_contents(STDIN),true);$env=array_map(function($key) use ($a){return strtoupper($key) . "=\"" . $a[$key] . "\"\r\n";},array_keys($a));file_put_contents(".env",$env);'
sed -i "$ a WP_HOME=\"https://$TERMINUS_ENV-$\"" .env
sed -i "$ a WP_SITEURL=\"https://$TERMINUS_ENV-$\"" .env
# Update assets path in config files
sed -i "s/home\/circleci\/build/code/g" web/app/themes/constructive-core/.budfiles/bud/*
# Push code to Pantheon
if [[ ${CIRCLE_BRANCH} == "master" ]]; then
# Write environment variables to .env file
# Push the build directory to Panthoen's dev environment
terminus build:env:push -n "$"
# Flush permalinks
terminus wp "$" -- rewrite flush
elif [[ ! -z "$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then
if [[ -z $(terminus multidev:list "$TERMINUS_SITE" --field='id' --format='string' | grep -o "$TERMINUS_ENV") ]]; then
# Check if pr-# multidev exists and if not create it to allow generating the .env variables
terminus multidev:create -- "$" "$TERMINUS_ENV"
# Do a search/replace on the DB for dev URLs
terminus remote:wp "$TERMINUS_SITE.$TERMINUS_ENV" -- search-replace "dev-$" "$TERMINUS_ENV-$" --all-tables
# Write environment variables to .env file
# Push the build directory to Pantheon's multidev environment
terminus build:env:push -n "$TERMINUS_SITE.$TERMINUS_ENV"
# Flush permalinks
terminus wp "$TERMINUS_SITE.$TERMINUS_ENV" -- rewrite flush
# Run update-db
terminus -n wp $TERMINUS_SITE.$TERMINUS_ENV -- core update-db
echo "Something is wrong...print environment variables"
# Clear caches
terminus -n env:clear-cache "$TERMINUS_SITE.$TERMINUS_ENV"
# Clean up unused PR environments (if GITHUB_TOKEN is set)
if [[ ! -z "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]]; then
terminus -n build:env:delete:pr $TERMINUS_SITE --yes
Plus side, it takes 3-5 minutes to build everything, handles DB settings, writeable permissions, and editing config files on the fly so your local needn’t change.