Tailwind config and hot-reload


I am having an issue with the caching system of bud. I have defined a tailwind.config.ts file in the /config folder of my project. In there I call different functions and import some other .ts files (likes custom plugins, configurations…)

The problem is that each time I modify the config files, let’s say a color for example, nothing happen even if I reload my window, I have to stop the dev server, yarn clean and yarn dev to finally see the change. It is very time consuming so I wonder if there is a way to compile and hot-reload these modifications without restarting the devServer ?

Have you tried configuring the watch paths?

Yes, here is my bud config, it effectively reload when I modify a tailwind related file in the config folder, but changes are not applied. To see them I have to clean the cache.

export default async (app) => {
    .entry('app', ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app'])
    .entry('sw', ['@scripts/sw.ts'])
    .entry('editor', ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor'])
      ['assets/images', 'assets/images'],
      ['assets/videos', 'assets/videos'],
      ['assets/fonts', 'assets/fonts'],

    .watch(['resources/views', 'app', 'config']);



Hi, any idea ?

This create a very frustrating development experience

Nope. No idea based on the information provided in this post. What you’re experiencing isn’t normal, but what you’re describing isn’t really helpful without having more context — either post all of the relevant code to reproduce the issue or push up a repo.

@jasperfrumau I don’t think your issue is related to this topic

Okay, could be. May open another thread if need be then. Thanks for the feedback @ben