I recently tried to update some third-party JavaScript code in our application which uses Sage. This update uses keywords async and await in function declaration. When I attempted a yarn build I got errors. The errors are eliminated with async and await are removed.
The only babel configuration I saw was in various node modules, for example one preset was es2015.
Can anyone comment on have trouble using asynchronous functions or ES8 JavaScript features in their Sage environment? Do you have any suggestions on updating the build process? Our build process works well for most things I am concerned about breaking it.
Looking into this I also noted our webpack version is older. I didn’t see any webpack specific babel configuration. A yarn why webpack suggests our webpack version is 2.7.0.
Apologies for violating forum standards with my post. I am not sure how much this information will clarify, but thanks for looking at it.
Version of Sage: I am actually not sure. It is customized and my organization gave it a version 1.0, but it is not version 1 of Sage. We use Sage v9.0, third edition PDF from February 2018 (written by you) as our reference.