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I just saw @nathobson share this neat thing on Twittah:



Securely store WordPress user passwords in database with Argon2i hashing and SHA-512 HMAC using PHPā€™s native functions.

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Stumbled upon this tonight while repo lurking. They have an Electron app (beta) too.

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Backup WordPress database during Trellis deploys

Thank me when plugin update drops production database tables :slight_smile:


Auto-deploy Trellis after git push

  • Bedrock
  • Sage
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • Docker
  • [insert all the fancy words you want to see here]

$ git push and CircleCI deploys my projects for me.

For a real life Trellis + Sage + Bedrock project, CircleCI deployment is ~3 minutes faster than my computer. If you know why my computer is so slow, please send private message.


The recently released WP Rig starter theme by Morten Rand-Hendriksen looks interesting. Seems similar in many ways to Sage, bar the Blade template engine.

Yeah saw that in my inbox this morning and my first thought was ā€˜but I have Sage alreadyā€¦ā€™

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I stumbled into phpdbg when trying to fix a failing Travis CI build.

Phpdbg Is Much Faster Than Xdebug For Code Coverage:

More info. Phpdbg Is Much Faster Than Xdebug For Code Coverage ā€“ KIZU 514

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things
ā€“ Phil Karlton

Although reusing passwords is solely usersā€™ fault but when evil attackers brute forced usersā€™ passwords, and stole all their personal information or spent usersā€™ hard earn money through your site. Those lazy users blame you, the site owner/developer.

This pluginā€™s solely purpose is to disallow WordPress and WooCommerce users reusing passwords listed in have I been pwned database.


Iā€™ve been using Chassis for a while, and for the most part, it just works. Iā€™m interested in using Sage again for a new project after many years of being away. Things have moved on quite a bit with Bedrock and Trellis. From what I see chassis overlaps with Trellis in terms of setting up a LEMP stack, but also, includes (as does VVV), a predetermined WP structure. Because of this, you canā€™t use Chassis/VVV with Bedrock.

Would you say thatā€™s correct?

Yes. I never ended up digging into Chassis because of this.

Bedrock and Trellis are not needed for using Sage, so if Chassis works for you, thereā€™s nothing stopping you from using Sage ā€” provided that Chassis uses a modern version of PHP (>= 7.1.3), which they should be since 5.6 and 7.0 are EOL by the end of the year. If it doesnā€™t this could be a great opportunity to contribute to Chassis if they are open to that type of improvement.

Thatā€™s a great news!


Populate .env files to local Bedrock with ansible so that we can develop with valet instead of vagrant while keeping ansible vault, wordpress_env_defaults and all ansible goodies.

Usage: $ cd /path/to/trellis && npx @itinerisltd/enveigle

:+1: Special thanks to @runofthemill helped fixing issue when no host matched


DO just launched their K8 stack:



Turn WordPress plugin zip files into git repositories, so that composer version constraint could work properly.