Hello I saw the same question here, but it doesn’t seem to have any answers and it’s been locked: Vagrant-winnfsd not working in WSL
I am running into the same issue and executing the commands specified doesn’t solve the issue:
sh: 1: netsh: not found
sh: 1: cscript: not found
It seems that you don’t have the privileges to change the firewall rules. NFS will not work without that firewall
changes. Execute the following commands via cmd as administrator:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“VagrantWinNFSd-1.4.0” dir=“in” action=allow protocol=any program="\home\msoto.vagrant.d\gems\2.4.9\gems\vagrant-winnfsd-1.4.0\bin\winnfsd.exe" profile=any
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“VagrantWinNFSd-1.4.0” dir=“out” action=allow protocol=any program="\home\msoto.vagrant.d\gems\2.4.9\gems\vagrant-winnfsd-1.4.0\bin\winnfsd.exe" profile=any
I am trying to vagrant up inside the trellis folder.
Been trying to get this working for days now with no luck, any help is appreciated.